Thematic Areas


Criteria of selecting a topic and area for research by the academic world is neither well defined nor well implemented, so as a result areas chosen are dependent on ease and interest of the faculty members who are facilitating and the student who are working, research is only done to secure a degree in a certain field. In order to curb the issue City University has given the idea of working on thematic areas.
Depending on the rigorous research, thought process and focused group discussions certain thematic areas are developed and provided to all nine schools of thought. Students’ working, assignments, projects and research remain focused on the pre decided, developed and provided thematic areas. Thematic Areas keep the faculties focused on the applied segments where work is required by the industry, economy and society; it gives the students an opportunity of understanding and gaining experience of the same as well so that their employability can be enhanced. And as a result the business world and economy can also get the human resource as per their job description and requirements.

Thematic Areas